In connection with Citizens Fiber's Fiber Zones (the "Project"), Citizens Fiber would like to know which residents of neighborhoods (each a "Zone") in the list of finalist communities are interested in receiving Citizens Fiber's services if fiber optic infrastructure was built in your Zone. To that end Citizens Fiber is asking interested residents to pre-register to receive services from Citizens Fiber over the fiber optic infrastructure which may be built in their Zone. By pre-registering you are agreeing to pay a registration fee of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25) (the "Registration Fee") and to purchase services from Citizens Fiber if Citizens Fiber installs fiber optic infrastructure in your Zone. If your Zone is built out by Citizens Fiber and you purchase services from Citizens Fiber over the new fiber optic infrastructure, then the Registration Fee will be credited on your first bill for Citizens Fiber services. If your Zone is built out by Citizens Fiber and you do not purchase services from Citizens Fiber within the initial build out and turn up of the zone, then the Registration Fee will be forfeited and retained by Citizens Fiber. The Registration Fee will be refunded to you VIA THE ORIGINAL PAYMENT METHOD if Citizens Fiber does not build out fiber optic infrastructure in your Zone.1
The services to be provided over any fiber optic infrastructure constructed in your community will be voice communications services, 1 gigabit internet service, and video services as noted at Residential Services (the "Services").2 Please note that the pricing of services is subject to change at any time. The rates in place at the time you fill out your survey are not guaranteed at the time of your installation.
Please indicate which Services you would be interested in if your Zone is built out. Please note that the Services are for residential use only and are not for commercial use. Commercial users should not pre-register. Citizens Fiber is utilizing this pre-registration process to determine which Zones are most interested in having their Zone built out and purchasing services from Citizens Fiber. Citizens Fiber reserves the right to change these terms in the future at any time in its sole discretion. If you have questions regarding this pre-registration process, please contact us at 724-423-3000.
The Fiber Zones expansion model is based on subscription to Citizens Fiber internet service for a two-year term. To qualify for the $25 deposit and free installation3, you must subscribe to a minimum of Broadband level internet service and sign a two-year service agreement. If these two conditions are not met, standard installation fees will apply.
Citizens Fiber processes a soft credit check for all new accounts, and may require that a deposit be held on the account depending on the results. This deposit is returned after one year of timely payments.
1 Payment of the Registration Fee must be made electronically via means such as a credit card or prepaid card. Any refund of the registration fee may be made to such card or by any other reasonable means at Citizens Fiber's discretion. In order to receive any applicable refund of the Registration Fee on any such credit card or prepaid card, the registrant must have possession of the prepaid card or credit card at the time of the refund or else no refund will be made by such means.
2 Services will be provided pursuant to Citizens Fiber's current terms and conditions for the Services including, but not limited to, credit policy, privacy policy, customer service agreement, etc.
3 The $25 deposit covers a standard Citizens Fiber installation, which includes all equipment set up at the home or business, and either an aerial fiber drop or pulling the fiber line through an existing conduit. For installations involving extensive underground construction, tree trimming, lengthy aerial drops or other extenuating circumstances, Citizens may require additional fees or contracts to offset those costs
Terms and Conditions last updated 9/20/2018